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About me

I am Björn Ruytenberg, a security researcher specializing in the intersection of hardware, firmware, and OS security. My research interests mainly include various aspects of x86 platform security, such as OS internals, BIOS (UEFI), hypervisors, and PCI Express, as well as sandboxing technology in widely deployed enterprise products. Part of my work includes Thunderspy, a collection of critical security vulnerabilities affecting Intel Thunderbolt technology. Outside of work, I enjoy sharing my findings as a speaker at Black Hat USA, Chaos Communication Congress, and other venues.

I hold an MSc in Computer Science and Engineering (cum laude) from TU/e. My master thesis, entitled "When Lightning Strikes Thrice: Breaking Thunderbolt Security", received the Best Cybersecurity Master Thesis Award in The Netherlands. Before that, I obtained a BSc in Electrical Engineering and a BSc in Computer Science (cum laude) from Fontys.

Please feel free to contact me by email at bjornbjornwebnl (PGP), Twitter (@0Xiphorus) and Mastodon (


Security vulnerabilities

I report security vulnerabilities whenever I find them. Some selected vulnerabilities are listed below:


My blog is a collection of writeups on some security vulnerabilities I've found. Here are the most recent entries:


My profile on GitHub is where I publish projects I've been working on. Some projects you might find interesting:


Previously, I have been a teaching assistant for the following courses:

Please refer to the Canvas course pages to access the full course material.